Thursday 22 March 2012

Preparation and planting

Another busy week on a warm spring day with lots of preparation needed, both for the planting of the wildflower area and also inside the poly tunnels - areas of mystery!!

Plenty of parsley and spinach in these beds

Who knows what might be in here!! Beetroot, garlic....who knows!

This is the area of the allotment that will be planted with wildflowers to encourage pollinators. They will help to pollinate the vegetables before it was dug over. The turf had been stripped off.

And this is it after - and boy did my back ache!!

The rough area that we reclaimed down the side of the second polytunnel has been dug over, weeded, dug over again and weeded again before having a new layer of soil and manure added to enrich and improve the soil. It's a long way from the entrance to the allotments to the green gym area and a lot of wheelbarrows were used to transport it. Well done to all those who moved it as it took some shifting.

Raised beds and plots were also planted out in particular, this bed with strawberries.

So what's coming up? Madeleine and Marion will attend a day in St Helens with Lancashire Wildlife Trust to learn how to prepare a wildflower meadow. They will also help in preparing the ground for the initiative. Next week the guttering will be fixed to the shed and 4 water butts connected - all we need now is some rain!!

The second polytunnel will have the beds dug over in preparation for tomatoes and an inventory will be taken of seeds that we have. I wouldn't bet against someone turning up with a list of activities that need to be carried out too!

So onwards and upwards to next week and remember, you can view more photographs here and on Twitter

See you next week


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